Bog pack
Peat at the temperature of 40-45 °C is applied on the body or its part. The guest is then wrapped in blankets and the peat is then let to work for 20 min before it is removed with a water hose. The procedure is suitable for improving the blood circulation and local metabolism, it has anti-inflammatory effects, tenderizing muscles and connective tissue.
Bog baths
The bog is mixed with water and heated to 37°–39° C. Thanks to its density it conducts heat almost seven times slower than water. Mud baths therefore wonderfully warm the organism up and are suitable for treating the musculoskeletal system, in particular the joints. Moreover, they are useful for skin and cosmetic problems, airways diseases, they perfectly detoxify the organism and have overall anti-inflammatory effects.
Gynaecological mud/peat treatment (vaginal tampons)
In Marianske Lazne, peat is used for gynaecological therapy in the form of tampons used as means of local heat therapy. It helps against varied inflammations and it is administered also as part of recovery from gynaecological surgeries. At the same time, it is recommended for climacteric problems and menstruation disorders.
Mary’s bog pack
In this procedure, bog is applied to predetermined body parts. Subsequently the body is wrapped, immersed in water bath and gradually warmed to the recommended temperature. This pack type strengthens the anti-inflammatory and immune processes in the body, improving the functions of cartilage, connective tissue and discs, reducing local swelling around joints, and reducing the muscle tension.