The spring supports the treatment of the following diseases:
- Airway diseases
- Kidney and urinary tract diseases
- Digestive system diseases
The Forest Spring located in the park at the back of the theatre is mineral water containing a lot of bicarbonate and sodium. It has a mucolytic effect, which means that it releases mucus from the respiratory tract. The main problem of chronic bronchitis is that patients cannot expectorate, which is facilitated specifically by the Forest Spring. Patients suffering apart from bronchitis also from hypertension or cardiac problems cannot drink from the Forest Spring too much. Such guests are then invited to use the Forest Spring primarily in the form of inhalation. The Forest Spring can dissolve kidney stones from the uric acid, however, care must be taken because different renal stones would keep growing. The Forest Spring is also highly felicitous for patients having problems with stomach, in particular an increased stomach acidity.
When is it accessible and to whom?
The spring is freely available to the public; the pavilion opens daily from 6.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Only during the period from October to April (the winter season) it is closed. The original discharge is available without restriction.
Where can the spring be found?
The Forest Spring can be found in the Classicist pavilion by the Trebiz Stream. Please refer to the map.
The drinking cure is a complex process, it should always be considered that a certain kind of water is suitable for specific problems but it can be highly inappropriate for other disorders. The drinking therapy must always be consulted with a physician because improperly applied drinking cure may cause harm.
– MUDr. Pavel Knara