- What about the treatment of gynaecological diseases in Marianske Lazne?
- Gynaecological inflammations
- Incontinence
- Climacteric syndrome
- The following hotels can be of help
Therapeutic procedures combined with the power of the natural wealth help also women with gynaecological problems in Marianske Lazne. It does not matter whether the client undergoes menopause, struggles to get pregnant for a prolonged time with no success, or suffers from other specifically feminine problems. The local spa treatments and the unique Mary Spring can provide an effective solution.
Gynaecological problems, whether minor or more serious, trouble most women at least once in their lives. Some may be prevented effectively by regular gynaecological examinations, sufficient hygiene and other prevention, however, sometimes this is not enough. Sometimes difficulties arise despite the best effort, they are often hereditary, caused by age, or by unprotected sexual intercourse and infection. Then comes the treatment.
In the case of inflammatory diseases, treatment with special medicaments and adherence to certain rules are often enough. Unfortunately, such diseases sometimes tend to return. Some diseases of internal sexual organs require a more complicated treatment and a surgical intervention is often necessary. Apart from traditional treatment methods, the unpleasant diseases and their consequences can be mitigated also alternatively, e.g. by special spa treatments.
What about the treatment of gynaecological diseases in Marianske Lazne?
The local therapeutic procedures, such as bog vaginal tampons, or bog packs, may relieve you from inflammatory diseases of external and internal genitals, mitigating also conditions after gynaecological operations, or an urgent or stress urine incontinence.
The dry gas Co2 envelope, for which Mary’s gas is used, or pure carbon dioxide are successfully applied to improve sexual functions in men and the mitigation of climacteric symptoms in women. The combination of spa procedures, calm, rest and pleasant environment is helpful also to women suffering from infertility.
Gynaecological inflammations
There exist many types of gynaecological inflammatory diseases. Their formation is mostly dependent on the weakened immune system, while diet, drinking habits, physical activity, dressing habits, hygiene, use of hormonal contraception, and the sexual life play their roles as well.
The most widespread ones are probably mycotic diseases (yeast infections), most frequently caused by Candida albicans. The disease is characterised by persistent itching, burning, and discharge. Fungal infections are often supported by increased sexual activity, lack of air, tight clothes, synthetic underwear, increased temperature, and humidity.
Other causes of gynaecological inflammation may include bacteria, viruses, and also varied parasites. Serious diseases include inflammations of the cervix, endometrium, and pelvic inflammatory disease, which is a generic term for the inflammation of the ovaries, uterus, or Fallopian tubes.
To alleviate the difficulties arising from inflammations of gynaecological nature, the four-chamber bath in Marianske Lazne may be beneficial, as well as shortwave diathermy, or a mineral bath with special additives. You can try these procedures for example in Centralni Lazne and Nove Lazne hotels.
Incontinence, or urine leaks, is mostly associated with women of advanced age, however, it can occur at about the age of thirty. It is linked to the anatomy of the urethra, which is significantly shorter in women than in men. The higher is the woman’s age, the greater is the decline in flexibility of her tissues, influenced also by minor injuries e.g. in childbirth and various infections as well as the inborn disposition. The combination of all these factors may result in urinary incontinence.
There are two types of incontinence, i.e. the stress incontinence and urgent incontinence. In the stress scenario, the urine leaks after increasing the pressure on the inside of the abdomen, i.e. upon sneezing, laughing, or coughing. The urgent incontinence manifests itself by an abrupt strong need to urinate when the woman is usually not able to get to the toilet.
Climacteric syndrome
The most widespread name for this natural process, which sooner or later affects every woman, is the menopause, i.e. the climacteric. It begins at about the 40th to 50th year of the woman’s life. Sexual organs cease to fulfil their main functions, i.e. the production of eggs and the possibility of getting pregnant; the menstruation disappears gradually. The production of female sex hormones, particularly oestrogens, slowly ceases.
This is related to the vast majority of difficulties faced by women during this period. The most common ones include hypersensitivity, sweating, fatigue, abdominal pain or headache, hot flushes, dizziness, palpitation, and irritation. However, this list is far from exhaustive. The menopause often causes osteoporosis or increases in weight.
These problems can be mitigated by a correct diet, sport, and regular sleep, as well as the above-mentioned special spa procedure in Marianske Lazne, the so-called gas envelope, or a dry carbonic bath. Sauna and a variety of massages are beneficial as well.